Tuesday, April 22, 2008

South Carolina Ultra Trail Run Series

Anybody up for some trail running? If so, there's a new SC Ultra Trail Run Series you might want to check out. You can find all the details here: http://www.ultrasontrails.com/index.html

This four-race ultra series in its inaugural year. Entry is free (donations accepted) and there are no cut off times. The event dates are:
April 13 - Harbison Forest 50k
May 4 - Boncombe Trail 34 miles
June 8 - Chatooga River 50k
Oct 12 - Swamp Fox Pass 42 miles

All these races are in SC, and the Swamp Fox race starts right here in Awendaw at the Swamp Fox trail head on Hwy 17. You have to be pretty hard core to do an ultra distance event. I hope they draw enough participants to keep the series rolling. The first event pulled in 34 runners, which is pretty good for a first time ultra event.

It doesn't look like they have any kind of team division, so if you're up to the test, you're on your own.

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