Michael Phelps said today that he would likely shave his mustache tomorrow, if not Saturday. That chicken. I knew he didn't have the moxy to roll up onto the blocks sporting a mustache. I came real close to jumping on the Phelps bandwagon because of that stache, but something told me to hold off until I knew he was for real.
Now, I'll give him credit for growing a pretty fly stache. I mean, if you're going to grow one, going with the handlebar is a nice move.
But I can't help but ask why he grew one in the first place. I'm guessing that he was inspired by the legend to which he is constantly compared to -- Mark Spitz. But if you're going to pay homage to the legend, you have to go all the way and race with it.

With all the talk about the how records are being broken because of the new skin suit and whether or not it's fair, Mark Spitz's moustache stands out even more. I mean, not only did he win 7 golds without today's technology, but he didn't even shave! I think for a split second, Phelps thought he might sport that moustache and beat Spitz's record, but he knew better. He got scared.
Don't get me wrong. Like everyone, I'm pulling for Phelps. He's a phenom. I'm just saying he had a chance to not just win 8 golds, but win 8 golds in about the coolest way possible.
And while we're on this topic, I'd be remiss not to mention the absolute best moustache of all time...
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