Monday, January 4, 2010

Half Ironman Updates

Just wanted to follow up on a couple of my recent posts about half Ironman races in South Carolina. I noted the huge drop in race participants at the SC Half last year and speculated that the new 70.3 Augusta Half Ironman was the reason. Looks like I might have been correct. This year, the SC Half is scheduled for August 29, a full month earlier than it’s ever been, but more importantly, four weeks BEFORE the Augusta 70.3 race.

Probably a good move. Of course, it will no longer be a wetsuit legal race, but hopefully that won’t be a big deterrent to racers. The SC Half is a great race.

Long Bay Triathlon
I’ve been following news about the Long Bay Triathlon, which I also wrote about in an earlier post. I had my doubts that this race would get off the ground, and I “think” I was correct. The lack of information around this race was concerning from the start, and probably a big reason the race didn’t happen. Shortly after the scheduled 2009 race date, the 2010 race date was posted on the website (October 10), and billed as the 1st annual – so I assumed the race did not happen. Then a few weeks later, they changed it to 2nd annual. No one I’ve talked to participated, or knows of anyone who did, and there are no race results to be found. If this race did happen, please let me know. I’d love to be wrong on this.

Like I said before, it’s great to have another long course triathlon in South Carolina, but you can’t just throw up a website with a date and expect much response. For a half ironman distance, racers need more information, more details. We’ll see if they can pull it off this year.

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